The SUSTAINABILITY OF BEAUTY series synthesizes the principles of sustainability and life-affirming stories about green living into drawings, paintings and digital illustrations.

The mixed-media art is centered on the wisdom of nature as a force that has the potential to reverse the course of environmental crises.

Nature’s complexity supports a harmonious relationship with Earth. The artwork uses aesthetics and optimism, the ideals of beauty, as a strategy to create a positively imagined future.

Physical materials are used to convey the infinite and the universal. Vibrant colors, dancing strokes and sensual organic forms create immediacy with my subject: sustainability. I want the familiar to feel new again, to make the invisible visible in order to telegraph the light within.

While culture prizes technology and piles of data, I create visual haikus to reconnect sensuality with ecology.

My intent is to inspire people to reengage with the web of life from a socially responsible and generative perspective, to deepen our support of living things and the natural world.