Some days I just need to be nestled in vibrant colors

My neighborhood near the Golden Gate Bridge is notoriously foggy. On those gray days, my surroundings transform into desaturated, dreamy landscapes punctuated by bellowing foghorns. Recently, sunny summer days made me feel giddy with delight.

On one of those luminous days, I reviewed my painting archive to see how my work had evolved. I looked for works that evoked joy.

Orange Celebration

Many of the images that caught my eye featured nature and the color orange. The warm blend of yellow and red awakens me and creates feelings of optimism and spontaneity.

Catch the Light

Painting with shades of orange mixed with harmonious and complementary colors allows for a whole series of possible discoveries. The hue acts as a narrator of the art—creating focal points, directing the eye around the image, and establishing balance, contrast, and depth.

Coy & Eulonia

The dynamic interaction of lines, colors, shapes, and brushwork invite continued exploration. Upon completion, the art expresses the inner workings of my mind and the invisible, connective energy of the world around me.

I’m curious how this portfolio will evolve over time.


Holding Patterns

Nestled & Gracefully

Sweeping Blossoms